Poster Session 1


Aazil Naseer (JSS Medical College, Mysore): Unveiling the Intrinsic Code: Homology Analysis of Neural Manifolds During Self-Organized Criticality

Alberto Pezzotta (University College London): Optimal switching strategies in foraging tasks

Alejandro Chinea Manrique de Lara (UNED): Cetacean's Brain Evolution: The Intriguing Loss of Cortical Layer IV and the Thermodynamics of Heat Dissipation in the Brain

Aleksandr Krylov (Aalto university): Mental rotation operators in the brain more flexible than previously thought

Alexander Mathis (EPFL): Modeling sensorimotor circuits with machine learning: hypotheses, inductive biases, latent noise and curricula

Alexandra Bardon (Massachusetts Institute of Technology): Anesthetics fragment cortical activity within a hemisphere, but synchronize it across hemispheres

Aly Lidayan (UC Berkeley, Center for Human Compatible AI): RL Algorithms are Policies: Intrinsic Motivation is Shaping in the BAMDP

Ameer Ghouse (University of Jaume I): A computational account of social recall in episodic memory

Amin Nejatbakhsh (Flatiron Institute): Comparing Noisy Recurrent Models Using Dynamic Stochastic Shape Distances

Ana Mayora-Cebollero (Universidad de Zaragoza): The Influence of Adaptive Coupling in Mean-Field Models of Neural Populations

Anamika Agrawal (Allen Institute and University of Washington): Nonlinear dendritic integration model relates the morphology of neurons to their computational complexity

Anastasiia Mikhailova (Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa): Discriminating Mild Cognitive Impairment with Convolutional Neural Networks Using Eye Movements during Scene Memorisation

Anastasiia Mikhailova (Instituto Superior Técnico Universidade de Lisboa): Discriminating Mild Cognitive Impairment with Deep Learning of Eye Movements during Scene Memorisation

Andrew Graham (King's College London): Using Gene Regulatory Networks to Gain Insight into Hippocampal Memory Encoding

Andriy Kozlov (Imperial College London): Biomimetic computations improve neural network robustness


Anita Keshmirian (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich): Investigating Causal Judgments in Humans and Large Language Models

Antonino Visalli (University of Padova): Extensions of the Hierarchical Gaussian Filter to Wiener diffusion processes

Arash Golmohammadi (Department for Neuro- and Sensory Physiology, University Medical Center Göttingen): Heterogeneity as an algorithmic feature of neural networks

Arno Granier (University of Bern): Confidence estimation and second-order errors in cortical circuits

Arthur Pellegrino (University of Edinburgh): Neural manifold discovery via dynamical systems

Ash Robbins (University of California, Santa Cruz): Electrical Stimulation for Goal-Oriented Learning in Cortical Organoids

Aslan Satary Dizaji (AutocurriculaLab & Neuro-Inspired Vision & LangTechAI): A Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning Study of Evolution of Communication and Teaching under Libertarian and Utilitarian Governing Systems

Aygun Badalova (Institute of Neurology,London): Digital Interventions in Neuro-Rehabilitation: Gotcha! trial of an app-based therapy for proper name anomia in people with dementia

Balázs Mészáros (University of Sussex): Biologically Inspired Constraints are Compatible with Gradient-Descent-based Learning in SNNs

Brendan A. Bicknell (University College London): Fast and slow synaptic plasticity enables concurrent control and learning

Carla Griffiths (Sainsbury Wellcome Centre ): Neural mechanisms of auditory perceptual constancy emerge in trained animals

Chiara Mastrogiuseppe (Universitat Pompeu. Fabra): Controlled Maximal Variability Leads to Reliable Performance in Recurrent Neural Networks

Christina Maher (Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai): The neurocomputational basis of state representation learning in the human prefrontal cortex

Colin Conwell (Johns Hopkins University): Is visual cortex really “language-aligned”? Perspectives from Model-to-Brain Comparisons in Human and Monkeys on the Natural Scenes Dataset

Cristiano Capone (Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italy): Online network reconfiguration: non-synaptic learning in RNNs

Daniel Graham (Hobart and William Smith Colleges): What kind of network is the brain?

Daniel Graham (Hobart and William Smith Colleges): What kind of network is the brain?

Daniel Rebbin (University of Amsterdam): Synergies Between Ephaptic and Synaptic Signals Bias Neural Self-Organization

Daniele Avitabile (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam): Uncertainty Quantification for Neurobiological Networks.

Deng Pan (University of Oxford): Mr (PhD student)

Dimitra Maoutsa (Technical University of Munich, School of Life Sciences): Discovering latent stochastic dynamics in neural population activity

Eddie Seabrook (Institute for Neural Computation (INI), Ruhr University Bochum (RUB)): What is the relationship between Slow Feature Analysis and the Successor Representation?

Elaheh Akbarifathkouhi (Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen): Deciphering Representational Geometry: The Other-Race Effect in Face Perception Explored through Feedforward Neural Networks

Elena (Pastorelli): Two-compartment neuronal spiking model expressing brain-state specific apical-amplification, -isolation and -drive regimes

Erik Hermansen (Norwegian University of Science and Technology): The Ontogeny of the Grid Cell Network – Uncovering the Topology of Neural Representations

Evguenia Malaia (University of Alabama): Mapping Meaning in the Mind: Neural Dynamics of Natural Language Processing

Fidel Santamaria (The University of Texas at San Antonio): Memcapacitive fractional order history-dependent spiking dynamics in models, analog circuits, and real neurons

Francesca Mignacco (CUNY Graduate Center & Princeton University): Nonlinear classification of neural manifolds with contextual information

Francesca Mignacco (CUNY Graduate Center & Princeton University): Nonlinear manifold capacity theory with contextual information

francesco edoardo vaccari (University of Bologna - Dept. of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences): Consistent neural states with variable decoding performance in parietal cortex

Frank Tong (Vanderbilt University): Improved modeling of human vision by incorporating robustness to blur in convolutional neural networks

Gabriele Di Antonio (Enrico Fermi Research Center): Linearizing & forecasting: A reservoir computing perspective for digital-twins of the brain

Gaia Molinaro (University of California, Berkeley): Covert learning progress guides hierarchical goal selection in humans

Gaspard Oliviers (University of Oxford): Learning probability distributions of sensory inputs with Monte Carlo Predictive coding


Giulia De Bonis (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), Sezione di Roma): Cobrawap as a tool for inspecting and explaining learning performance of bio-inspired artificial neural networks

Guillaume Pourcel (INRIA): Forward prediction to enable backward temporal credit assignment via the neuronal least action principle

Hamza Giaffar (UCSD): Cognition built on phase-based neuronal replicators

Harsha Gurnani (University of Washington): Feedback controllability constrains learning timescales of motor adaptation

Hayden Johnson (University of Minnesota-Twin Cities): Likelihood-free parameter estimation of neural simulations for response time modeling

Henry Kerr (University of Exeter): Analysing travelling waves in laterally-inhibited lattices of integrate-and-fire neurons

Ido Aizenbud (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Cortical pyramidal neurons can solve complex classification tasks in high dimensions

Isabel M. Cornacchia (University of Edinburgh): Cortical connectivity emerges from an efficient coding objective

Ján Antolík (Charles University): A retinotopic-and-orientation-based stimulation strategy induces neural activity patterns mimicking natural vision

Janis Keck (Max Planck Institut for Mathematics in the Sciences): Symmetry and Generalization in Learning of Predictive Representations

Jochen Braun (Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg): Clickety-clack: a non-equilibrium model of cortical activity performs optimal inference.

Jorge Eduardo Ramírez-Ruiz (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): The maximum occupancy principle (MOP) as a generative model of realistic behavior

Kaleab B. Belay (MBZUAI): Computational Model for error correction in the Head-Direction System

Krubeal Danieli (University of Oslo): Online spatial maps through neuromodulated hebbian learning

Matteo Ferrante (University of Rome, Tor Vergata): From Brain Signals to Visual Reconstructions: Multimodal models for decoding of fMRI activity into images and text

Encarni Marcos (Universidad Miguel Hernández): Influence of temporal information gaps on decision making: describing the dynamics of working memory